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What lies ahead -for you, for the people you care about, for your community, for the country, and for the world? It is proper for human beings to want to unveil what lies ahead and not by chance, attempts to predict the future have permeated our thoughts for many centuries. We know that the future is unknown, yet we try to imagine it, through mathematical models, the social and political sciences, history, imagination, and experience. But the future is far from being something distant and abstract: it is actually the result of the attitudes we take, as individuals and as a society, day after day. The future is ours to build! Professional futurists study change. They are extremely attentive to signs, to small things- An event, a technology, or a trend with the potential to become something bigger. You, too, can be a futurist! The choices you make today contribute to determining our individual and collective future. What is the future you will create?


“Vertikaly, - 2022. 1/100th Scale (Mixed media Miniature Environment Sculpture) by Raphael Truffi Bortholuzzi.” Now exhibiting at the Museum of Art, Sciences, and Technology of Brazil SESILab. Brasília, DF

Scale: 1/100

Purchase Availability: NO

Todas as obras de arte feitas à mão neste site são "fanart" únicas, não produzidas em massa e são protegidas por Copyright © Grandmondo Miniatures 2010-2023.
Todas as obras de arte se enquadram nas leis de direitos autorais de "Obra derivada" e "Uso justo". Quaisquer nomes e logotipos permanecem com os direitos autorais de seus respectivos proprietários. Não reproduza sem o consentimento expresso por escrito de Raphael Truffi Bortholuzzi.
Estúdio de arte e design freelancer de miniaturas Artista escultor. São Paulo Brasil


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